If you haven't yet heard about our house in Maryland being destroyed, you can catch up on the story here. I already mentioned how grateful I was at the outpouring of support I received in the days immediately following the discovery, but the love and support has been so constant and ongoing, I have to write another post to say thank you!
I'm especially grateful this week for Brenda Drake, who organized an online auction to benefit our house rebuilding efforts. And for all of my friends in the publishing industry (agents, editors, artists and authors) who have donated items for the auction!

When Brenda told me that she was putting together this auction, I never imagined that she would have more than 90 people wanting to donate to help me! (Brenda said she had so many offers that she had to turn people away in the end. I can't believe how supportive everyone has been!!) There are auction listings for:
* Signed Books (including Advance Reader Copies for books that haven't even come out yet!)
* Marketing Help and Consultations
* Custom Artwork and Formatting Services
* Query Critiques
* Partial Manuscript Critiques
* Full Manuscript Critiques
* Query & Chapter Critiques with Literary Agents
* Critiques & Phone Calls with Editors
My twitter feed has been blowing up with notifications, and I simply can't keep up with all of the well-wishes and support that has been coming my way. But I wanted to send my gratitude and undying love out to all of you! If a grateful heart truly is a beginning of greatness, then I am well on my way to achieving that status. Because I am absolutely in awe. You guys are the best!!
For those who might be interested in the auction, I've included the links at the bottom of this post as well, sorted into easy-to-navigate categories. (Click on the item number to learn more about the item - and to bid. Click on the donor's name to learn more about the author / editor / agent who donated it. Many of the Pitch Wars mentors who have donated critiques for this auction have also participated in one (or more) of Brenda's Query & First Page Workshops. You can find samples of their critiques from those workshops on Brenda's blog, if you want to get a sense of their critique styles.
Signed Books (Including Advance Reader Copies!!)
Auction Item 22: Signed Copy of ANOMALY by Tonya Kuper
Auction Item 27: Signed Copy of REAPER Plus Swag by L.S. Murphy
Auction Item 28: Signed Trilogy of THE PAPER MAGICIAN series (paperback) by Charlie Holmberg
Auction Item 29: E-ARC and swag bundle of CHAMELEON by K.T. Hanna
Auction Item 30: Signed Copies of JERICHO RISING & JERICHO’S REDEMPTION by Mary Lynne Gibbs
Auction Item 31: Signed Copy of THE MAIDEN’S COURAGE by Mary Lynne Gibbs
Auction Item 32: Signed Copy of YOU’RE INVITED by Jen Malone & Gail Nall
Auction Item 33: Signed Copy of BREAKING THE ICE by Gail Nall
Auction Item 34: Signed Copy & Swag of ACROSS THE DISTANCE by Marie Meyer
Auction Item 35: Signed Copy of FREE AGENT by J.C. Nelson
Auction Item 36: Signed Copy of ARMAGEDDON RULES by J.C. Nelson
Auction Item 37: ARC OR Final copy of WISH BOUND by J.C. Nelson
Auction Item 38: Signed Copy of BASEBALL’S BEST ROOKIES by Russ Cohen
Auction Item 39: Signed Copy of WINTER CLASSIC by Russ Cohen
Auction Item 40: Signed copy of NUMBERS DON’T LIE: METS by Russ Cohen
Auction Item 41: Box Set of FRACTURED IMMORTAL and FINDING IMMORTAL by E.L. Wicker
Auction Item 42: Signed Copy of TIMEKEEPER RISING by Allyssa Painter
Auction Item 43: Signed Copy of DANGEROUS LOVE + bookmarks by Kara Leigh Miller
Auction Item 49: Signed Copy of THESE GENTLE WOUNDS by Helene Dunbar
Bonus Auction Item 3: Signed Copy of THE LAST FIFTH GRADE OF EMERSON ELEMENTARY by Laura Shovan
Bonus Auction Item 4: Signed ARC of MY SEVENTH-GRADE LIFE IN TIGHTS by Brooks Benjamin
Bonus Auction Item 12: Signed Copy of THIEF OF LIES by Brenda Drake
Marketing & Consultations
Auction Item 4: One Hour Marketing Consultation Call by Jen Malone Consults
Auction Item 19: Query + 1st Chapter + Skype Consultation with Rebecca Yarros
Auction Item 20: Character Personality Analysis by Lawrence Kotkin
Auction Item 23: Custom Author/Book Swag Pack by J.C. Davis
Bonus Auction Item 9: Marketing Consultation by Dea Poirier
Custom Art & Formatting
Auction Item 21: A Custom Digital-Only Book Cover Design by S.P. McConnell
Auction Item 24: Cover design by Caitlin Greer
Auction Item 25: Full Formatting Job by Caitlin Greer
Agent Critiques & Consultations
Auction Item 5: Query + First 3 Chapters Critique by Agent Roseanne Wells
Auction Item 6: Query + First 10 pages Critique by Agent Emily Keyes
Auction Item 7: Query + First 3 Chapters Critique by Agent Julia A. Weber
Auction Item 8: Query + 1st 3 chapters or A Full Non-fiction Proposal Critique by Agent Terrie Wolf
Bonus Auction Item 6: Query Critique by Agent Rachel Brooks
Special Bonus Auction Item: Query Critique by Agent Eric Ruben
Editor Critiques & Consultations
Auction Item 2: 50 Page critique & 30 Minute Phone Consultation by Mandy Schoen
Auction Item 48: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Editor Meredith Rich
Auction Item 9: Query + Synopsis + 50 Page Critique by Anya Kagan with Touchstone Editing
Auction Item 14: Query + Synopsis + 50 Pages Critique by Kim Graff with Wild Things Editing
Auction Item 15: Submission Package Critique by Maria Ann Green with Wild Things Editing
Auction Item 18a: Private Class: Editor’s First Aid by Lynnette Labelle
Auction Item 18b: Substantive/developmental edit by Lynnette Labelle
Auction Item 63: 1st Chapter Critique by Editor Tara Creel
Auction Item 64: 1st Chapter Critique by Editor Tara Creel
Auction Item 65: 1st Chapter Critique by Editor Tara Creel
Full Manuscript Critiques
Bonus Auction Item 7: Full Manuscript Critique by Ashley Turcotte
Auction Item 1: Full Manuscript Critique by Lara Edits
Auction Item 26: Full NA or YA Manuscript Critique by Molly Lee
Multi-Page / Chapter Critiques (& More!)
Auction Item 19: Query + 1st Chapter + Skype Consultation with Rebecca Yarros
Bonus Auction Item 13: Query + 50 Pages YA Critique by Jodie Andrefski
Auction Item 13: Query + 50 Pages Critique by L.S. Murphy
Auction Item 3: 50 Page Middle Grade Manuscript Critique by Jen Malone
Auction Item 10: 50 Page Middle Grade Manuscript Critique by Elliah Terry
Auction Item 11: 50 pages manuscript critique by Kelly Calabrese
Auction Item 12: 50 Page Critique by Jennifer Blackwood
Bonus Auction Item 10: 50 Pages YA Critique by Trisha Leaver
Auction Item 16: Query + Synopsis + 1st 3 Chapters Critique for YA by Brianna Shrum
Auction Item 44: Three Chapters Critique + B&N Gift Card Package by Jeanmarie Anaya
Bonus Auction Item 14: Query + 3 Chapters Critique by Sharon Johnston
Auction Item 17: Three Chapter Critique by Kara Leigh Miller
Auction Item 46: First Three Chapters Critique by Stacey Nash
Auction Item 47: Three Chapter Critique by Nicole Zolteck
Bonus Auction Item 2: Three Chapter MG Manuscript Critique by Laura Shovan
Bonus Auction Item 8: Query + 1st 25 Pages Critique by Agent Intern, Kyra Nelson
Auction Item 50: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Sonia Hartl
Auction Item 51: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Dannie Morin
Auction Item 52: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Casey Lyall
Auction Item 53: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Rosalyn Eves
Auction Item 55: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Natasha Raulerson
Auction Item 56: Query + 1st Chapter by Natasha Neagle
Auction Item 57: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Jennifer Hawkins
Auction Item 58: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Marie Meyer
Auction Item 60: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Ronni Arno
Auction Item 61: Query + 1st Chapter by Suzanne van Rooyen
Bonus Auction Item 5: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Brooks Benjamin
Bonus Auction Item 11: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Wendy Spinale
Auction Item 62: Query + 1st Chapter Critique by Sarah Glenn Marsh
Auction Item 54: First Chapter Critique by Roselle Kaes
Auction Item 59: First Chapter Critique by Laura Heffernan
Auction Item 66: First Chapter Critique by Linda Budzinski
Auction Item 45: Ten Page Critique by RuthAnne Snow
Bonus Auction Item 1: First 5 Pages Critique by Lara Edits
Query Critiques
Auction Item 75: Query Brainstorming Package by Naomi Hughes
Auction Item 67: Query + 1st Page Critique by Kelly Siskind
Auction Item 68: Query Critique by Amy Trueblood
Auction Item 69: Query Critique by Helene Dunbar
Auction Item 70: Non-fiction Query Critique by Jenna Glatzer
Auction Item 71: Query Critique by Tamara Mataya
Auction Item 72: Query Critique by Michelle Hauck
Auction Item 73: Query Critique by Rachel Lynn Solomon
Auction Item 74: Query Critique by Lynnette Labelle
Auction Item 76: Query Critique by Nikki Roberti
Auction Item 77: Query Critique by Elinor Sattler
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