22 July 2024

A Sip of Summer: KidLitConfections Raspberry Lemonade Cookies

(The recipes, including a link to the index of printable PDF files, can be found at the bottom of this post.)

It's been uncomfortably hot here lately, with excessive heat warnings nearly every single day for the past week or so. So I guess we can safely say it's definitely summertime!

And for most of us, summertime has a definite flavor. The salty sea air at the beach, the smokiness of foods cooked on the backyard grill, and the sweet tang of lemonade. It's a time to let your hair down, relax, and make lasting memories. A time to flirt with endless possibilities, seek new adventures, and maybe even find a bit of romance.

The book I most recently devoured had all of the great summertime flavors and feelings, with a heavy dose of one of my favorite questions: "What if?"

Going Bicoastal
by Dahlia Adler

A queer Sliding Doors YA rom-com in which a girl must choose between summer in NYC with her dad (and the girl she's always wanted) or LA with her estranged mom (and the guy she never saw coming).

Natalya Fox has twenty-four hours to make the biggest choice of her life: stay home in NYC for the summer with her dad (and finally screw up the courage to talk to the girl she's been crushing on), or spend it with her basically estranged mom in LA, knowing this is the best chance she has to fix their relationship, if she even wants to. (Does she even want to?)

How's a girl supposed to choose???

She can't, and so both summers play out in alternating timelines - one in which Natalya explores the city, tries to repair things with her mom, works on figuring out her future, and goes for the girl she's always wanted. And one in which Natalya explores the city, tries to repair things with her mom, works on figuring out her future, and goes for the guy she never saw coming.

Natalya loves her fruit-flavored lemonades, so my Raspberry Lemonade Cookies are a perfect pairing for this fun rom-com, where you get to choose your own happily-ever-after! 

I love that Natalya's happy ending includes more than just a fun summer romance with the boy (or girl) of her dreams. Her relationships with her parents and her friends are just as important. Because life is so much more complex than just a simple summer fling. Relationships (romantic or otherwise) shape who we are long after the initial excitement of a new flirtation fades. 

That summer romance might be the beginning of a lasting love. Or it might just be the spark that helps you to learn something about yourself that you never knew--something that shapes your character long after the spark fades.

The friends we've known since childhood and those we've only just met each play significant roles in our lives as they share bits of themselves and encourage us to do the same. And whether they'll be with us for only one summer or for many years to come, each one is important in this moment.

And our relationships with family: parents, grandparents, siblings, and "found family," who can sometimes be even closer than those blood relations, build the very core of our identities with every interaction or missed connection. 

Life is complex. It's sometimes messy and complicated, but the rewards can be so sweet. Likewise, these cookies are a bit more complicated than my usual quick-and-easy #KidLitConfections recipes. You'll need to take the time to zest and juice a few lemons, and you may need to order freeze-dried raspberry powder (not a usual pantry staple for most folks), but the blast of flavor is worth it. So bake up a batch. Grab a copy of GOING BICOASTAL, and enjoy the flavors of summer!

The printable PDF for this recipe is linked at the bottom of this post. You'll need a username and password to access the file. As always, the username is: kidlit and the new password (as of 7/22/2024) is: BooksSaveLives!

Raspberry Lemonade Cookies


2 c. sugar

2 c. butter

2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

3 lemons

6 Tbsp. dehydrated raspberry powder**

¼ c. tapioca starch

4 c. gluten-free all-purpose flour

Zest 3 lemons into a medium-sized glass bowl, then squeeze the juice of all three lemons into the bowl. Add tapioca starch and whisk together. Microwave 30 seconds. Remove and whisk again to smooth out mixture. Microwave another 30-45 seconds, whisking every 15 seconds, until you have a pudding-like consistency.

In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar. Add baking powder, salt, lemon mixture, and raspberry powder. Mix until combined, then turn speed up to high and beat until light and fluffy (at least 3-5 minutes).

KidLit Confections in bold text above a cartoon penguin, sitting on a stack of books and reading THE PRINCESS AND THE FROGS by Veronica Bartles and Sara Palacios. A cartoon hippo in a chef's hat and apron, holding a tray of freshly-baked cookies, stands next to her. Artwork by Philip Bartles
Stir in flour, one cup at a time, just to combine.

Scoop into 1-inch balls. Place on parchment-lined baking sheet about 2 inches apart, and press to flatten each cookie slightly.

Bake* at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 9 minutes. Let cool about 5 minutes on tray before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

Makes about 6 dozen cookies. 

*Optional: Bake a few cookies & freeze the extra cookie dough. Roll dough balls and flatten slightly. Place cookies on parchment-lined baking sheet (no space necessary) and freeze for 2-4 hours or overnight. Once frozen, transfer cookie dough to a large freezer bag and return to your freezer. You can bake straight from frozen at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 12-14 minutes. Freshly-baked cookies anytime you want!

**I love the KOYAH Organic Whole-Berry Raspberry Powder, which you can find on Amazon (here) or direct from the KOYAH website (here), because the only ingredient is organic, freeze-dried raspberries. There are lots of brands available in a simple Google search, but I haven't tried any others, so I can't vouch for them. If you do try another one (that is only raspberries--no other ingredients) and love it, please leave a comment to let me know!

Note: This recipe is egg-free for those with allergies, but it does have dairy in the butter. If you need a vegan cookie, you may try your favorite butter substitute, but you may need to tweak the flour amounts to get the right consistency with your dough, depending on which oleo you choose.

Printable PDF Recipes

03 May 2024

Family, Friends and Fireflies: KidLit Confections Morir Soñando Cookies

2 images, side-by-side: On the left is the cover of GHOST SQUAD by Claribel Ortega, and on the right is a close-up photo of a group of orange cookies with vanilla buttercream icing and a drizzle of orange glaze
(The recipe, including a link to the index of printable PDF files, can be found at the bottom of this post.)

This blog post was originally shared on 24 June 2020-- I have updated it slightly to make this recipe an official part of my #KidLitConfections series!

In last week's #KidLitChat on bluesky.social.com, the conversation was all about staying organized and keeping current. As always, when the topic of organization comes up, I start feeling guilty about all of the ways I'm NOT organized in a neurotypical kind of way. They** say it takes 21 days to form a habit, but my neurospicy brain doesn't work that way. As soon as I form a "habit" (when I've been doing something regularly enough that it becomes a part of my routine that I don't have to think about), I forget that it's a thing and I have to start all over again. Even remembering to feed myself regularly isn't a given (as those of you who participate in #KidLitChat may have already noticed)! So I tend to get down on myself when I realize it's been a while since I posted. And I periodically consider deleting the blog part of my website to eliminate the stress of trying to remember to post regularly.

But I never do, because I love sharing bits of myself with you in this informal story form. Especially when I get to talk about KidLit, connections, and recipes.

Yes, I have an "about me" page on my website. But to really know about me, you have to know about my brain tumor. And the way I get unbelievably excited about little things. And my absolute love of books, with all the ways they help me make sense of my world. And the way I can make a surprisingly delicious cookie out of literally everything.* 

And the way my friends and family are my entire world.

So this post has a little bit of all of the things that make me love being here.

A book:

Cover of GHOST SQUAD by Claribel Ortega

If you haven't yet read GHOST SQUAD by Claribel Ortega, you should really rectify this situation immediately. It's amazing!

Shortly before Halloween, Lucely and her best friend, Syd, cast a spell that accidentally awakens malicious spirits, wreaking havoc throughout St. Augustine. Together, they must join forces with Syd's witch grandmother, Babette, and her tubby tabby, Chunk, to fight the haunting head-on and reverse the curse to save the town and Lucely's firefly spirits before it's too late. 

This is a REALLY fun book with lots of laugh-out-loud moments, two best friends who are the absolute definition of "friendship goals," and an adorable cat that probably everyone who reads it wants to adopt in real life. But more than that, it's a book about family, both biological and the family we find along the way. And it's about those connections that last forever. Even beyond the grave. 

Lucely's fireflies felt so familiar to me in so many ways. I don't often get a chance to see and chat with my deceased ancestors, but I know they are there for me, lifting and helping me when I need their strength. Like when my Grandpa came to sit with me through my radiation treatments. And whether you believe in those beyond-the-grave connections or not, I think we can all agree that our families shape who we are and how we see the world. I'm so glad that I got to be a part of Lucely's world for a little while!

A connection (or two):

Claribel Ortega is one of the sweetest, fiercest human beings I have ever met. She is quite vocal in her support of her friends. She's not shy about standing up for what's right, even when I know it's really difficult for her to do sometimes. And she's really good at reminding me that I'm worthwhile. I count myself lucky that I got to know her before she was famous! (She reminds me a lot of Syd, Lucely's amazingly fierce, sweet, and funny best friend in GHOST SQUAD.)

Side note: Since I originally wrote this post nearly 4 years ago, Clairbel has written several other books, and you should go check out her entire collection!--The third book in her Witchlings series comes out in October of 2024!

I fell in love with the GHOST SQUAD story when she mentioned it just briefly way back when we first met all those years ago. (I'm not even sure if she had started writing it yet, or if she was just still playing with the idea.) So of course I had to get a copy as soon as it was available. I dove into the story full of expectations. Which character would I love the most? Would I fall in love with Chunk, as so many of the lucky folks who got to read advance copies did? Would I identify with Lucely? Or Syd? (For the record, Tia Milagros is my favorite!) I didn't expect my favorite part of the book to happen in the first chapter. But when Lucely sat down to a breakfast that included pitchers of fresh juice and morir soñando, I literally squealed with delight!

I didn't grow up with the amazingness that is morir soñando on my breakfast table. I didn't know what it was until a few years ago, when Hermana Ward, one of the missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, who was in the Maryland Baltimore Mission back in 2016/17 (and another one of my favorite humans) gave me a cookie challenge: "There's an amazing Dominican drink called morir soñando that literally translates as 'to die dreaming.' Can you make that drink in cookie form?"

Well, first I had to get to know the drink. And oh my goodness! Yum!! If you haven't had this on your tastebuds, you absolutely need to fix that situation now. 

Go ahead. 

I'll wait. 

See what I mean? It's fantabulous, isn't it???

So I knew the cookies representing the drink had to be flippin' phenomenal, or they would never live up to the hype. (And if you would like to access the printable PDF with this recipe, here is your reminder that the link is at the bottom of this post, and the password you'll need to access the PDF from the #KidLitConfections Recipe Index page is: WeNeedDiverseBooks)

Most of the recipes I create are all about simplicity. For this one, I pulled out all the stops. It's a bit more complex, and definitely a special-occasion treat, but literally every single person who has ever tried these cookies has fallen in love with them. (One of my friends even asked if she could lick the plate when they were all eaten!) -- And all these years later, in 2024, these are still one of the best cookies I have ever made.

So... in honor of two of my favorite humans, and one of my favorite Middle Grade books, I present to you...

A recipe:

Morir Soñando Cookies

Morir Soñando Cookies: close-up photo of a group of orange cookies with vanilla buttercream icing and a drizzle of orange glaze

Orange Cookie 

1 c. butter

1 c. sugar

2 eggs

¾ c. thawed orange juice concentrate

2 tsp. baking soda

½ tsp. salt

1 tsp. orange extract (opt.)

¼ c. cornstarch

4 c. Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 GF flour

Cream butter and sugar together. 

Add eggs, orange juice, soda, salt, cornstarch, and orange extract, as desired. 

Beat until light and fluffy (approximately 5 minutes on high). 

Stir in flour, just until fully incorporated. 

Drop by teaspoon-sized scoops (I use a small cookie scoop to make sure they're all the same size, but you can just use a spoon, if you want) onto parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake 9-10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vanilla Buttercream

½ c. butter

½ tsp. vanilla

1 c. powdered sugar

Whip all ingredients together in a medium-sized mixing bowl, until light and fluffy. Frost cookies.

Orange Glaze

¾ c. thawed orange juice concentrate

¼ c. butter, cut into pieces

Boil orange juice concentrate down to ¼ c. syrup.

Beat in butter (I use a rubber spatula and beat it in by hand, but you can use a mixer if you like). 

Chill slightly. (15-20 minutes--just enough so that it won't melt the frosting) Then, drizzle over frosted cookies. 

Serve right away, or place back on the parchment-lined cookie sheet and freeze for later. (I actually love these right out of the freezer. They're soft enough that they can be eaten frozen, and one of my friends described them as a "Creamsicle on Crack.")

Printable PDF Recipes

**I still don't know who "they" are, but "they" also say it takes 8 weeks ... or 10 weeks ... or 66 days ... or a few months to form a habit ... there are lots of different time frames given as hard-and-fast-facts on this topic. Because everyone who claims to know all about the best way to form habits seems to be absolutely confident that their method and time frame is THE way to do it. None of them really seem to take the neurospicy brain chemistry into account.

*disclaimer: I haven't actually yet tried literally everything in my cookie-making adventures, because there are about a zillion ingredients in the world ... but I have managed to succeed so far in every challenge that I have been given. And I've been given a lot of challenges over the years!! So I'm gonna claim that "literally" and wear it with pride.

12 March 2024

Book Club Treats: Jane Austen Edition

As you know, I almost exclusively read KidLit. But every once in a while, someone hands me a book written for grown-ups that I thoroughly enjoy. ONCE PERSUADED, TWICE SHY by Melodie Edwards is a modern retelling of Jane Austen's PERSUASION, and it's every bit as fun as the original (which will always hold a special place in my heart as my first Austen novel). It follows the original plot almost beat-for-beat, in the most fun ways, and I felt like I was revisiting an old friend. Now we've both grown up a bit, so the relationship is not exactly like it used to be, but all of the best parts are still there. This is my favorite kind of retelling!

From the publisher:

This modern reimagining of Persuasion is full of witty banter, romantic angst, and compelling characters as it captures the heart of the classic Jane Austen novel.

 When Anne Elliott broke up with Ben Wentworth, it seemed like the right thing to do . . . but now, eight years later, she’s not so sure.

In her scenic hometown of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Anne is comfortable focusing on her successful career: filling her late mother’s shoes as town councilor and executive director of her theater company. She certainly keeps busy as the all-around wrangler of eccentric locals, self-centered family members, elaborate festivals, and the occasional attacking goose. But the more she tries to convince herself that her life is fine as is, the more it all feels like a show—and not nearly as good as the ones put on by her theater company. She’s the always responsible Anne, always taken for granted and cleaning up after other people, and the memories of happier times with Ben Wentworth still haunt her.

So when the nearby Kellynch Winery is bought by Ben’s aunt and uncle, Anne’s world is set ablaze as her old flame crashes back into her life—and it’s clear he hasn’t forgiven her for breaking his heart. A joint project between the winery and Anne’s theater forces both Ben and Anne to confront their complicated history, and as they spend more time together, Anne can’t help but wonder if there might be hope for their future after all.


I read this book in one sitting, and immediately thought of a cookie to go with it! It's not exactly a #KidLitConfections recipe, because this isn't KidLit... but grown-ups need treats for their book clubs too, right? So how about #BookClubTreats for this (and any possible future grown-up books I may want to share)? 

Anne Elliott doesn't drink (something we have in common), but she does have one exception: on occasion when it's cold outside, she likes a hot, buttered rum. (This is not something we have in common, as I've never tried real rum. Or any alcohol.) However, I do love the taste of buttered rum candies, and I sometimes (often) sneak rum flavoring into some of my desserts. I think Anne would love my Buttered Rum Snowball Cookies!

Buttered Rum Snowball Cookies

close-up of Buttered Rum Snowball Cookies: small, round cookies coated in powdered sugar

2 c. butter

1 ½ c. powdered sugar, divided

1 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp. rum flavoring

5 c. gluten-free all-purpose flour blend (I like Bob's Red Mill 1 to 1)

Cream butter and 3/4 c. powdered sugar together. Add salt and flavoring. Beat until light and fluffy. 

illustration of Veronica Bartles, wearing a purple top and green skirt, stepping up onto a pile of books held up by a frog, while carrying a cake and an open book in her outstretched hands. Text above her head reads "Book Club Treats"
Stir in flour, just until mixed. 

Chill 20 minutes to an hour (not too long, or the cookie dough will be difficult to scoop). 

Scoop dough into 1/2-inch balls, place on a parchment-lined baking sheet, then chill again 2-4 hours in the fridge or at least 30 minutes in the freezer. (Don't skip this step, or your cookies will be flat!) 

Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 8-10 minutes, until bottoms are just lightly golden brown. 

Cool slightly, then transfer to a large ziploc bag with remaining powdered sugar. Seal, and shake gently to coat.

p.s. I had the privilege of reading this book in advance, and I had this blog post planned months in advance of its February 27th release ... and then I forgot to schedule it to actually post on the release date! Oops! I'm late to the party, but hopefully the cookies will be bribe enough to forgive my lapse?

20 February 2024

Easy as Pie: KidLit Confections Chocolate Walnut Pie

(The recipes, including a link to the index of printable PDF files, can be found at the bottom of this post.)

Why do we say something is "easy as pie" when most bakers would argue that pies are definitely not one of the easiest things to make? Some people spend their whole lives trying to perfect their pie crust recipes, arguably the most difficult part of making a pie. Cutting the fat into the flour to just the right consistency. Adding the water and mixing just enough to bind it without making it tough... pie crust is in some ways the epitome of baking science, and most bakers will tell you that pie is one of the most difficult things you can make.

I was lucky. My mom taught me a pie crust recipe when I was just learning how to bake that had so many shortcuts and tricks...one that, if you followed the steps correctly, resulted in the most flaky and beautiful pie crust--one that got gobbled up by everyone who tasted my mom's apple pie.* I grew up thinking that "easy as pie" made sense, because as far as I knew, pie was probably the easiest dessert you could make! I had no idea how privileged I was. It wasn't until I grew up and took some cooking classes (and watched a LOT of the Food Network) that I realized the "right" way to make a pie crust was both much more difficult and (if I'm being honest) often less delicious than the "cheater" pie crust I was used to. 

Still, once I learned how to do things the "right" way, I couldn't help feeling like an imposter. Here, I was doing something that I thought was easy, and I got the results I wanted...but I did it "wrong." How could I honestly call myself a good baker, if I didn't even know how to do things right? (Turns out, most of the things I'm best at baking or cooking, I do "wrong." I would totally be kicked off of Master Chef in the first round, because I don't know any of those proper techniques--but I would possibly rock a show like Cutthroat Kitchen, where they take away the tools/ingredients for doing things properly and make you figure out how to make a dish without them...)

And it will surprise no one at this point that this contemplation of my favorite easy/not easy dessert reminds me of books and writing and the things we tell ourselves when we're trying to figure out how to live our best lives. 

A couple of weeks ago, in #KidLitChat, a group of us were discussing favorite writing craft books and systems for moving forward on a work in progress. I admitted that I don't really read books about how to write. I've tried. So many times. Because it's the first question people always ask when you get a group of writers together: "What are your favorite books on the craft of writing?" That's when I always pull myself off to the fringes of the crowd and hope that no one notices that I'm not saying anything. Because as soon as I start reading a craft book, my stubborn "you can't tell me what to do!" personality digs in its heels, and I don't want to write at all. Suddenly, this thing that brings me joy and passion like no other feels like homework. And I don't want to do it. 

BUT a library full of books is a master class in immersive, hands-on story creation. If you give me a stack of picture books, I will absolutely devour them over and over again, analyzing every word and phrase--what is said, what isn't, and why?--poring over the pictures and watching how the text and illustrations play off of each other... Or give me a stack of middle grade novels, and I'll analyze the character interactions and plot pacing. I'll dive so deep into the story that it's sometimes nearly impossible to extract myself again when I reach the end. And then I'll go back and study the ways that this author made that unloveable main character feel so very relatable. Or or that author painted a setting so real I could smell the cookies baking in the oven...

It's not that I'm not learning the craft. I'm not writing "cheater" stories any more than my pie crust (or chocolate mousse, or cookies, or ... pretty much everything I cook) is "wrong." It's just a different way of doing things. Because we all have different ways of doing things. And just because someone (or even a LOT of someones) does it another way ... that doesn't mean your way is the wrong way. My neurodivergent brain needs to try things out and see how they work. My best friend's neurotypical brain loves to have a set system to use as her scaffolding. Neither approach (to writing, or to life) is bad. 

And honestly, aren't we glad that there are so many different ways to make a pie?

On that note, some of my favorite recent reads mention pies and cooking--and being courageous. (Bonus: each of these books includes one or more recipes!!)

 And if you would like to access the printable PDF with this recipe, here is your reminder that the link is at the bottom of this post, and the password you'll need to access the PDF from the #KidLitConfections Recipe Index page is: WeNeedDiverseBooks

Fatima Tate Takes the Cake
by Khadijah VanBrakle

Fatima Tate wants to be a baker AND enjoy some innocent flirting with her hot friend Raheem--but her strict Muslim parents would never approve of either...

Seventeen-year-old Fatima Tate, aspiring baker (100% against her conservative parents' wishes), leads a pretty normal life in Albuquerque: long drives with BFF Zaynab, weekly services at the mosque, big family parties, soup kitchen volunteering (the best way to perfect her flaky dough recipe!), stressing about college...

But everything changes when she meets a charming university student named Raheem. Knowing the 'rents would FREAK, Fatima keeps their burgeoning relationship a secret... and then, one day, her parents and his parents decide to arrange their marriage. Amazing! True serendipity! 
Except it's not amazing. As soon as the ring is on Fatima's finger, Raheem's charm transforms into control and manipulation. Fatima knows she has to call the whole thing off, but Raheem doesn't like to lose. He threatens to reveal their premarital sexual history and destroy her and her family's reputation in their tight-knit Muslim community.
Fatima must find the inner strength to blaze her own trail by owning her body, her choices, and her future. Combining the frank authenticity of Elizabeth Acevedo and the complex social dynamics of Ibi Zoboi, FATIMA TATE TAKES THE CAKE is a powerful coming-of-age story that gives a much-needed voice to young Black Muslim women.

Pie in the Sky
by Remy Lai

A poignant, laugh-out-loud illustrated middle-grade novel about an eleven-year-old boy's immigration experience, his annoying little brother, and their cake-baking hijinks! Perfect for fans of Raina Telgemeier and Gene Luen Yang!

When Jingwen moves to a new country, he feels like he's landed on Mars. School is torture, making friends is impossible since he doesn't speak English, and he's often stuck looking after his (extremely irritating) little brother, Yanghao.
To distract himself from the loneliness, Jingwen daydreams about making all the cakes on the menu of Pie in the Sky, the bakery his father had planned to open before he unexpectedly passed away. The only problem is his mother has laid down one major rule: the brothers are not to use the oven while she's at work. As Jingwen and Yanghao bake elaborate cakes, they'll have to cook up elaborate excuses to keep the cake making a secret from Mama.
In her hilarious, moving middle-grade debut, Remy Lai delivers a scrumptious combination of vibrant graphic art and pitch-perfect writing that will appeal to fans of Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham's Real Friends, Kelly Yang's Front Desk, and Jerry Craft's New Kid.
A Junior Library Guild selection!

Porcupine's Pie
by Laura Renauld and Jennie Poh

Already a Thanksgiving classic, Porcupine's Pie is a heartwarming story about embracing thankfulness and generosity when things don't go as planned.

Porcupine can't wait to share Fall Feast with her woodland friends, so when everyone she greets is unable to bake their specialty due to a missing ingredient, Porcupine generously offers staples from her pantry. When Porcupine discovers that she, too, is missing a key ingredient, the friends all work together to create a new Fall Feast tradition. Porcupine's Pie will inspire children ages 4-8 to act generously. A recipe for "friendship pie" can be found at the end of the book.

Chocolate Walnut Pie


1 unbaked pie crust

1 c. dark corn syrup

1 c. sugar

2 Tbsp. butter, softened (NOT melted)

3 eggs

2 tsp. vanilla extract

2 c. chopped walnuts

semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

Roll out pie crust and place into a 9-inch pie pan. Flute the edges. Sprinkle a layer of chocolate chips into the crust, just enough to cover the bottom. (It doesn’t have to completely fill the crust, and it should be no more than a single layer of chocolate chips—too many will make it difficult to cut the cooled pie!) Set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, combine corn syrup, sugar, softened butter, eggs, and vanilla extract.

KidLit Confections in bold text above a cartoon penguin, sitting on a stack of books and reading THE PRINCESS AND THE FROGS by Veronica Bartles and Sara Palacios. A cartoon hippo in a chef's hat and apron, holding a tray of freshly-baked cookies, stands next to her. Artwork by Philip Bartles
Stir in chopped walnuts to completely coat all pieces. Pour carefully over the top of the chocolate chips in the prepared pie crust. Place on a baking sheet (to catch any filling that might bubble over during the baking process), and carefully transfer to the preheated oven.

Bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes. Then (without opening the oven), reduce heat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for an additional 45 to 55 minutes, until a knife inserted ¾ of the way between the edge and center of the pie comes out clean.

Serve with whipped cream or your favorite vanilla-based ice cream. (I like pralines and cream for that extra dose of nutty goodness with my pie!) 

Printable PDF Recipes

24 January 2024

Good Different: KidLit Confections Oatmeal Cookies

book cover of GOOD DIFFERENT by Med Eden Kuyatt: a purple and blue background with an illustration of a red-headed girl wearing a pink t-shirt and jeans, with doodles that make up the shapes of wings behind her and the title in bold yellow and blue text, then a photo of "Good Different" Oatmeal Cookies stacked on a white plate with pink flowers, then the cover of SAME LOVE, DIFFERENT HUG by Sarah Hovorka and Abbey Bryant: featuring 3 pairs of illustrated characters, each sharing a different way to hug; then the cover of THE LOTUS FLOWER CHAMPION by Pintip and Love Dunn, featuring the illustration of a girl with long, dark hair, wearing a pink shirt and blue jeans, wielding a sword on a beach, with a wave cresting around her in a circle
(The recipes, including a link to the index of printable PDF files, can be found at the bottom of this post.)

We often think about things that are "different" as bad, unsavory, or at least unpleasant. When we see something unfamiliar on the table for dinner, it's common to think "I'm not going to like that." And when the new kid in school dresses differently or has a funny haircut, we might wonder if they'll fit in with our friends...

These days, I'm pretty good at keeping an open mind, because most of my very favorite things in the world are things that were "different" when I first encountered them. (This of course includes most of my favorite people!) But I still sometimes have to remind myself that "different" isn't a bad word.

Especially when I feel like I am the one who is "different." When it feels like everyone else knows "the rules" and I'm stuck on the sidelines, wondering why no one taught me how to play the game. When I can't figure out the right words to say or the right clothes to wear or the right...anything, and I worry that I'll never quite "fit."

That's how I've felt my whole life, until last year when I was diagnosed as autistic. Suddenly, the whole world made sense! I wasn't broken. I wasn't defective. I was just Different. And that's a good thing.

One of my new favorite books is GOOD DIFFERENT by Meg Eden Kuyatt. (And my love for the story is completely justified. I just discovered that GOOD DIFFERENT is a Schneider Family Book Awards middle-grade honor book!)

Cover of GOOD DIFFERENT by Meg Eden Kuyatt - an illustration of a girl with auburn hair, wearing a pink and white striped t-shirt and blue jeans and holding a red book, against a purple and blue background
Selah knows her rules for being normal.

She always, always sticks to them. This means keeping her feelings locked tightly inside, despite the way they build up inside her as each school day goes on, so that she has to run to the bathroom and hide in the stall until she can calm down. So that she has to tear off her normal-person mask the second she gets home from school, and listen to her favorite pop song on repeat, trying to recharge. Selah feels like a dragon stuck in a world of humans, but she knows how to hide it.

Until the day she explodes and hits a fellow student.

Selah's friends pull away from her, her school threatens expulsion, and her comfortable, familiar world starts to crumble.

But as Selah starts to figure out more about who she is, she comes to understand that different doesn't mean damaged. Can she get her school to understand that, too, before it's too late?

This is a book I wish I'd had when I was growing up. I didn't know anything about autism. I had never even heard the word. I absolutely didn't know it was my word. If I had been able to see myself reflected in the books I was voraciously devouring from the library every week, maybe I would have been able to see that "different" is not a bad word. Yes, I was different from many of the kids in my class. I saw things from a different perspective. I processed information through a different lens. I had different reactions to various stimuli. There's no denying that I was in fact different. And like Selah, I tried so hard to follow the "rules" for being "normal," with often frustrating results. I wish I could have known that Different can be a very good thing. 

This is why we need diverse books. (side note: Because the theme for this week's KidLit Confections post is so similar to the last one, I'm going to stick with the password WeNeedDiverseBooks for printing the PDF versions of the Kid Lit Confections recipes!) We need to see the world reflected through all kinds of lenses. Not just the "normal" point of view from a white, cis, able-bodied, neurotypical perspective. Children (and adults!) of all types deserve the opportunity to see their perspectives reflected as Good Different. And even more, we need the opportunities to visit the perspectives of those who experience the world differently, so that we can better understand each other. That's why it's so important to not only have books that populate their fictional worlds with diverse characters, but those that are written (and illustrated) by folks who share those Different perspectives. Meg Eden Kuyatt is an autistic author. She understands what it's like to see the world through this lens. She knows what it means to be this particular kind of "Good Different," so her portrayal of Selah's story rings true in a way that those who haven't experienced it wouldn't be able to quite pinpoint.

Another amazing book I've read and loved recently is the picture book SAME LOVE, DIFFERENT HUG by Sarah Hovorka and Abbey Bryant

We like hugs big or small,

squeeze-me-tight or feathery light.

Bear hugs, morning hugs, jump hugs, too.

Quiet, loud; they all feel right.

But . . .  

What do others like?

Some people love a big, strong hug. Others like a gentle hug. Some don’t like to hug at all—they like to shake hands instead. Same Love, Different Hug is a gentle picture book that looks at how different people connect and navigate boundaries, modeling social-emotional skills for the youngest among us.

This is another book that I wish I'd had years ago. It's such a perfect way to explain to young readers (and adults--and everyone in between!) that everyone has different comfort levels with physical affection. Sometimes because of personality differences, sometimes because of disability reasons, and sometimes because we simply need some space (or a giant cuddle) at the moment. Paying attention to the ways our friends, family members, and others want and need affection is one of the best ways to show genuine love and care. 

I read this book through the lens of someone with autism, who sometimes gets overwhelmed by too much sensory input (and can't handle being touched) but sometimes needs the weight and pressure of a tight "squish hug" to reset my senses. And also through the lens of someone with a brain tumor that can cause all kinds of issues with my sensory inputs as signals get crossed on the way between my brain and the rest of my body. Sometimes, I want a squeeze-me-tight hug to know I'm not alone (or because my brain has literally forgotten how to breathe, and a tight hug can trigger the signal to remind me how to use my lungs). Sometimes even a feathery light hug is too much--sometimes even so painful that it makes me want to cry. It took me years to figure out how to express this to my family so that they could offer the right kind of hugs. And sometimes, I'm still too shy to ask for the hugs I need, because I'm afraid I might come across as either too demanding or too stand-offish. Books like SAME LOVE, DIFFERENT HUG make it easier to communicate to others that we all need different things from each other sometimes.

The author, Sarah Hovorka, mentions in the bio on her website that she deals with Crohn's Disease, and on the jacket flap of the book, it says that this partly inspired SAME LOVE, DIFFERENT HUG. We have different reasons for connecting to this particular story, but the connection is there. This is another reason we need diversity on our library shelves. Because it's not something I experience, I wouldn't necessarily pick up a book about (or created by someone who has) Crohn's Disease expecting to find a perspective relevant to my own. But the struggles (at least in this case) are similar, and this book helped me to find simple words to help explain my needs to friends and family members who haven't experienced anything like it themselves.

Next up on my To Be Read list: THE LOTUS FLOWER CHAMPION by by mother-daughter authors Pintip Dunn and Love Dunn

illustration of a young woman with black hair, wearing a pink top, rolled-up blue jeans, and sneakers, wielding a sword on the beach while a swirling wave of water crashes around her. Around the border are lotus flowers, fish, and a crocodile within the wave

No escape. Follow the rules. And don’t count on reality―in this uniquely vibrant romantasy from NYT bestselling author Pintip Dunn and daughter Love Dunn…

It looks like paradise…only it’s not. This was supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime family trip to Thailand. One last wish for my dying mama. Instead, we’re stranded on a lush, stunning island with ten strangers―held captive as Thai mythology unfolds around us…and within us.

Now we’re being tested. We’re expected to face our greatest fears―and possible deaths―in hopes of awakening some kind of dormant gift…or curse. One by one, we’re transforming, echoing the strange and sometimes wondrous abilities found in Thai folktales.

But my mama has only days to live, my papa is missing, and I’m forced to trust a group of strangers…including our evasive, dark-eyed tour guide, who resembles a minor god. 
Toss me in the ocean and feed me to the naga now.

Only I’m no hero. My days are managed by numbers and the compulsions that used to keep me safe.

I have to prove how far I can go. To survive. To protect my family.

And to find a way off this perilous island where everything is a lie…including reality.

The main character in this book has OCD, just like the co-author Love Dunn. This is another kind of Different that has been unfairly stigmatized for years. And it's another kind of Different that I am exploring for myself. (My therapist is pretty sure I have it, but I'm waiting for an appointment with a psychiatrist to officially confirm the diagnosis. Because even though I firmly believe that self-diagnosis is perfectly valid in cases of neurodivergence, when most of the diagnostic criteria and assessments were written by neurotypical folks who don't fully understand the way our brains work...and even though I strongly suspect that my therapist is right, because I have so many "OCD Tendancies" that it definitely points to a diagnosis...I still need the "official" confirmation before my brain will let me claim it. Maybe that's a symptom of my OCD craving the completion of getting everything "right...") 

I'm excited to explore this aspect of myself through a story that takes a deep dive into traditional Thai myths and legends. Because I'm a huge fan of retellings (as I'm sure you can gather from the themes of my own books!)

And because I love to pair the books I'm reading with favorite tried-and-true or brand-new delicious recipes, I thought that this week's books fit really well with my gluten-free, lower-sugar (for those of us who might need to watch our blood sugar, or who occasionally prefer a treat that isn't quite as sweet) "Good Different" Oatmeal Cookies. Oatmeal Cookies--especially my favorite variety, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies--often suffer from the same negative "Different" label in the cookie world that we apply to the people we meet who aren't "like us." But they are also extremely versatile and brimming with possibilities! Oatmeal cookies can be plain and simple or richly decadent, depending on what you add to them.

These "Good Different" Oatmeal Cookies are sweetened with a raisin puree, instead of processed white (or brown) sugar. They aren't sugar-free, because raisins have quite a bit of sugar in them (about 104 grams of sugar in the cup of raisins used to sweeten the cookies), but that's a significant reduction from the sugar in my original Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (approximately 210 grams of sugar: 100 grams in 1/2 c. of white sugar and 110 grams in 1/2 c. of brown sugar). This provides an excellent base for all kinds of creative mix-ins to personalize your cookies.

Turn them into a healthy breakfast option by adding bits of dried fruit and your favorite nuts for lasting energy and protein to get you through your morning.

Make a decadently sweet treat by adding chocolate chips, M&Ms, or even mini marshmallows. There's literally no limit to what you might create when you dare to explore new options!

 “Good Different” Oatmeal Cookies

oatmeal raisin cookies on a white plate with a pink flower border, centered on a brown, tan, and turquoise round placemat

KidLit Confections in bold text above a cartoon penguin, sitting on a stack of books and reading THE PRINCESS AND THE FROGS by Veronica Bartles and Sara Palacios. A cartoon hippo in a chef's hat and apron, holding a tray of freshly-baked cookies, stands next to her. Artwork by Philip Bartles

1 c. raisins

¼ c. water

1 c. butter

½ c. peanut butter (optional)**

2 eggs

1 tsp. baking soda

½ tsp. salt

½ tsp. ground ginger (optional)

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 tsp. vanilla extract

3 c. gluten-free oat flour

2 c. gluten-free oats

softened butter and raisin puree in a large metal mixing bowl Blend water and raisins together to make a smooth puree. In a large bowl, cream together butter, raisin puree, and peanut butter**. I like to use natural peanut butter (100% peanuts), so there’s no added sugar.

after creaming the butter and raisin puree, eggs, salt, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, and vanilla are added to the mixing bowl   Add eggs, baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and vanilla. Mix until combined, then turn speed up to high and beat until light and fluffy (3-5 minutes).

oatmeal cookie dough with walnuts and raisins ready to be stirred in Mix in flour. Reduce mixer speed to low and add oats. Then, stir in 1 ¼ to 1 ½ c. of your favorite mix-ins. I used 1 c. walnuts and ¼ c. raisins. Or try: dried blueberries, chocolate chips, sunflower seeds, pecans, chopped dried apples, M&Ms…whatever you like best!

baking sheet with balls of oatmeal raisin cookie dough - an empty butter wrapper is placed over one cookie ball, and a hand is pressing on the paper to flatten the doughRoll into 1-inch balls. Place on parchment-lined baking sheet about 2 inches apart, and press to flatten each cookie slightly.

slightly-flattened oatmeal cookie dough balls, on a tray, ready to bake
Bake* at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 9 minutes. Let cool about 5 minutes on tray before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

Makes about 5 ½ dozen cookies.

*Optional: Bake a few cookies & freeze the extra cookie dough. Roll dough balls and flatten slightly. Place cookies on parchment-lined baking sheet (no space necessary) and freeze for 2-4 hours. Once frozen, transfer cookie dough to a large freezer bag and return to your freezer. You can bake straight from frozen at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 12-14 minutes. Freshly-baked cookies anytime you want!

**If you choose to omit the peanut butter, you may need to add 1 c. oat flour with the eggs in order to achieve the right emulsification to get the light, fluffy texture to the batter before adding the rest of the flour, oats, and mix-ins.

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