Update! We have a winner! With only 2 official entries, our players each had amazing odds... and the necklace goes to... Rachel Schieffelbein! Please send me an email with your address, so I can send the necklace to you.
Feedback Request: So many people told me of their acts of service recently (in person, via email, etc.), but only 2 of you actually commented here to officially enter the contest. Was the prize not enticing enough? Did I not publicize the contest widely enough? Or were you all reluctant to publically toot your own horns? Please let me know, so I can take that into consideration the next time I run a contest!
Don't forget to post your comments for the March Kindness blog contest to win a handmade necklace! I've had lots of people show and tell me about the acts of kindness they've performed this week... but you have to comment ON THE BLOG to be officially entered!
My husband will pick a winner from all entries when he gets home from work tonight (5pm EDT), so you have until then to enter. Remember: You can tell me about an act of service you've performed for someone, or something someone else has done for you! Good luck!!
You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it!