26 March 2009

Veronica Bartles is...

I was asked to write a profile on myself for our ward newsletter (for church). They wanted to use the Relief Society column to introduce me this month, since I am the newest member of the presidency, and as a new member to the ward, many people don't even know who I am. Have you ever tried to write an article about yourself? It's rough!! Of course, I didn't want to sound like I was bragging, but at the same time, I didn't want to sell myself short! After chatting with my Aunt for a few minutes (Thank you so much, Aunt Becky! You saved my sanity this morning!), this is what I came up with.....

Veronica Bartles is “supermom.” At least, she tries. Actually, Veronica was raised by Supermom and has made it her life’s goal to reach the same status as the amazing woman she gets to call Mom. As the second of eight children (four girls and four boys), Veronica had the benefit of being able to watch and learn from her own mother. In fact, Veronica’s mom made the job look so rewarding that Veronica decided as a very young child that she wanted to be A Mom when she grew up! Other dreams have come and gone, but the main dream, the dream of being a Mom, has always been the focus. With four amazing children of her own, Veronica is truly living her dream.
Veronica works hard to be “supermom.” She tries to do all of the things that a real Supermom does, even though she feels like she still has a long way to go. Veronica cooks and sews and scrapbooks. (She is still working on developing talents for cleaning and organizing and helping kids with homework.) Veronica makes jewelry and she is in the process of writing a novel that she hopes to publish within the next year. Veronica even built a bed for her daughter, and now she’s hoping to learn how to make some “real” furniture!
Still, if you were to ask Veronica about herself, she would generally tell you “I’m not very interesting.” Of course, she has a theory about that too. Veronica firmly believes that we never see our true selves. We only see a distorted picture of ourselves, as though through a funhouse mirror. It’s only when we look to others, when we allow them to reflect what they see, that we can appreciate the awesome qualities residing within us. That’s why she is extremely grateful for amazing friends and family, who act as her true mirror on a daily basis, and she is excited to find new opportunities to expand her circle of friends.
Veronica grew up in Wyoming, but she has spent the last seven years in Northern California, where her husband, Phil, was stationed with the Air Force. Although Phil was born in Pennsylvania and lived there until he was five, Veronica has never lived anywhere east of Wyoming before. Their children, Benjamin, Emily, Rebekah and Katherine, had never really experienced snow or cold until moving to Maryland, so this is a new and exciting adventure for the whole family!

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